Always and Forever
This painting was originally titled, “Love Uncommissioned” and it looked ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than it does today. This painting has gone through two revisions. It received its name when it became an “uncommissioned” piece after my client told me she didn’t like it (don’t worry…I truthfully didn’t really like it either. I was too worried about getting it ‘right’ for her that I didn’t get into the artistic flow and it came out all wrong.) I was glad she was honest with me. She had purchased one of my other paintings called “The Energy of Love” from a gallery. She needed another piece to complement the one she had purchased. After knowing she didn’t like it, I decided to create two entirely different paintings from which she could choose the one she was more drawn towards. I let go of the stress and the worry of whether she would like what I painted and decided to let the Great Creator show my paintbrush the way. Needless to say, my client ended up purchasing both of the new paintings and I was left with “Love Uncommissioned.” A painting that not even I as the artist, cared much for.
Shortly thereafter, I painted over all of the blackness that surrounded the frame of the painting with vibrant, happy colors. I sprayed it, brushed it, and poured the paint until any darkness was gone from it. I ended up liking it. Yet the longer I looked at it, for months thereafter, I slowly came to not like it again. I felt that the two facial profiles in the center of the heart did not fit well with the overall look. Once again, I got my brush out and blurred the faces for the second time, added new colors, and a bit of texture.
It has gone through all four seasons of the year. Started in the fall, re-worked in the winter, enjoyed in the spring, then re-painted in the summer, each time changing colors. For that reason it reminded me of a tree. Or maybe its because I associate everything to plants. Either way it is what inspired me to carve in the wording just like two lovers carving their initials into a tree.