Farm Life

Chickens Can’t Swim

Way too much rain on the farm!!!

This week has brought record numbers of rain to the area.  Many homes and businesses are underwater and the rivers and lakes are up high.  While our farm has not sustained much damage I have been frustrated with seeing all of my hard work in the gardens be for nothing except to get washed down the hills.  I have planted seeds and seedlings, not once, but twice, just too see them float away.  I am currently debating about trying a third time.  (Anyone who personally knows me, knows that I don’t give up easily).  Besides, what would summer be like without fresh, chemical-free veggies, digging in the dirt, and sweating under a sunhat in the garden getting a cute farmers tan?  Not my kind of summer, that’s for sure.  

Just so all of the animal and chicken-lovers out there don’t think my chickens are drowning or floating around on innertubes, their chicken coop is on high ground and providing safe shelter for them during storms.  The ducks and geese do not seem to be affected by the weather.  Even the emus seem to enjoy the water puddles.