Grace is a representation of one of the characteristics I believe one will possess if they have an inner beauty that shines out to the world. Even though she is depicted in a graceful pose, it is not the graceful movements, like those of a ballerina, that I am referring to when I talk about grace. It is the mindfulness of our humanity. The good and the bad in each of us. We are not perfect. This is a very difficult concept to accept and grace can be difficult to act upon. It is one that I struggle with daily which is why Grace was hung on a wall in my bedroom where she served as a reminder each morning when I woke up and she is the last thing that I saw at night before I fell asleep. The white represents her purity. Just like gold is seen as treasure, a precious metal, so too is grace.
The following is a poem I wrote, describing the nature of Grace in all of her beauty:
She is elegance and poise in the midst of chaos.
The inner calm granted from a forgiving heart.
She does not retaliate or seek vengeance.
Forgiveness is given whether deserved…or not.
Love and Mercy lack a need to be earned by her.
They are unconditional.
Her beauty shines brightest at the center of sin, and suffering, and brokenness.
At a time when the world passes its harshest judgements.
It is in this dark aftermath of fear, anger, and hate that her presence has the power to bring man to his knees.
Grace is love shown to the unlovely, forgiveness to the undeserving, peace for the restless, and divine support for the believers.
This painting and poem, along with others, can be found in my book titled, “Exposed: The Naked Truth on Beauty”. Available on Amazon with a link on my homepage.
-Katy L. Casillas Gray, (KLCG) artist