My Workspaces

My Messy, Creative Space

It may not look like much….but it’s a Dream Come True!  My very own studio space where I grant myself permission to be messy, tape visions to the walls, and ride my creative flow. 


As new inspirations transpire, they get sketched out as a project to complete in the future….or…… if they have an overwhelming sense of urgency to be born, I hit the pause button on my current project and switch gears to begin work on the new one.  It is not unusual to find five or six projects at different stages of completion throughout my studio and sometimes overflowing into other areas of my home and garage.

Although my artwork features many different mediums, acrylic paints are the all-stars in a majority of my work.  Canvases, in a variety of sizes, quietly await their turn to be chosen as the landscape that brings the colors into life.  Adorning the shelves are colorful ribbon, pastels in variable shades of the rainbow, a buffet of different stones and beads, an impressive collection of Sculptey clay and its paraphernalia to stamp, mold, and transform mundane objects into something spectacular.  Multitudes of Wacky wire, a dapping set, woodworking tools, a sauntering kit, along with some of the basics fill the drawers of a roll-a bout toolbox.  A plethora of materials and tools find their home within the confines of available storage spaces standing by until they are called upon to perform their duty. 

The monstrosity of an occasionally used Elliptical Trainer overshadows one corner of the room.  Most of the time it hides beneath swatches of fabric and various textiles that are conveniently thrown over it until the time comes to put them in their rightful place.  A violet Manduka mat and stretching bands are its more popular companions, being used for “thinking time”, stretching, and sitting criss-cross applesauce doing art.

On the ground level, adjacent to our living room, is my Creative Studio.  My sanctuary.  A bright, open, colorful space.  From here I can look out across my backyard to the ducks swimming in the pond, or, I can turn around and see my chickens scratching for worms in the flowerbeds in my front yard.  It’s a beautiful place to spend my days.