
Girls Trip: Why Every Woman Needs To Make Time For One!

My first ever girls trip took me to Sunrise Springs in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  It was my mom’s idea.  It was her gift to me as a celebration for my upcoming wedding.  The only problem happened to be that I couldn’t schedule it in before the wedding so we had to postpone until October.   During our time there, I questioned myself why I had never made time for a girl’s trip before now.  It was only four short days out of my year and yielded multiple benefits to my mental health.  It was like hitting a pause button to give me time to re-group and re-connect with the women who are most important in my life.
The benefits that can be derived from a girl’s trip are numerous.  A well thought out trip will benefit not only yourself but also, your loved ones, the integrity of your work, and your co-workers.  A few days away from your normal life’s routine should not carry the reluctancy of your boss or significant other to allow you time for some female connectedness and self-fulfillment. Three to five days makes a perfect amount of time for a fulfilling experience.
Yoga and Meditation
  A few of the assets you gain from your experience can include:
  • laughter therapy. There is nothing more uplifting to the spirit than laughing with friends.
  • Feeling safe enough to cry and be vulnerable.
  • Being able to dream and share aspirations of the future. This nurtures the imagination and creative processes.  It renews our love of people and life.
  • Focus & clarity. It brings challenges into the light and exposes them.  We can see the issues that are troubling us. 
  • When people, problems, or dreams are discussed with respectable, intelligent women you can gain new perspectives on issues that may never have been seen on your own.
  • Taking the time to relax and unwind without worrying about a schedule or what requirement is going to be demanded of you next is beneficial for mind, body, AND spirit.
  • If nothing else, we create memories that we can re-visit in our mind that help us feel good when we are having a difficult day.
Now there are two important factors to keep in mind that can either make or break a girl’s trip.  The first one is the women you choose to travel with.  These women need to be trusted friends that make you feel safe and not judged if you let loose or let your guard down.  They fill your energy cup, not drain it.  Ensure that each of you has similar expectations of the trip as the other.  Remember that one wrong choice in a friend can change the entire course of the trip from rejuvenating to feeling more drained than when you started.


 I was fortunate enough to have had the best women in the world with me on this trip; my mom, my sister, and my best friend of almost 30 years!
 The second factor to keep in mind for your trip is your destination.  This should be a restorative place that will inspire, reinvigorate the soul, refresh the mind, and soothe your senses.  Going to Las Vegas with a group of girls is not called a Girls Trip.  That is a Party Trip.  A Party Trip does not recharge your battery.  It drains you.  Be sure to do your homework before booking so you have transportation figured out as well as a flexible agenda that allows you to enjoy activities but not feel rushed about from one to the next.  Keep in mind and be considerate of each woman’s budget limits in order to avoid financial stressors that will keep anyone from fully enjoying themselves.  Remember, the goal of this trip is to relax and enjoy being with each other. 
I must say that our Girls Trip to Sunrise Springs was all of the good and none of the bad.  We did great for a first trip together!  Each of us had our own unique strengths that we contributed in order to make this trip a success.  We were already thinking about where to go for our next one before this one had even ended.  And I can hardly wait!
A few of the activities we participated in during our stay at SunRise Springs.
Thank you to everyone who made this trip a possibility.  I am truly grateful for all of it!